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Monday 7 March 2011

A night bushwalk

Went on a guided bushwalk Saturday night. It was interesting, as I had never been out with whole families before. The kids were actually well behaved, but noisy.
The view at the start of the walk
 The red gums seemed to have a liight all of their own. This is blury because of the low light, but it still shows the gums nicely.
 We set off, 20 pairs of boots kathumping on the gravel. We sounded more like 100 than 20. From our destination of Pitt Town Rd, we set off along a fire trail which would eventually come out on Cattai Ridge Road. We did not walk that far, just down the hill into the valley. About an hour going steadily down hill, stopping from time to time and spotlighting the trees for wildlife.
We thought we saw a  Boobook owl, but it turned out to be a powerful owl.
We also saw a Tawny Frogmouth. This is my pic, some of you may recognise it. The Frogmouth was kind enough to fly around, so that we could hear for ourselves just how silent they are on the wing.
We then spent some time looking for possums, but I think they were all in town for Mardi Gras, cause we did not find one, which is unusual.
We then had to experience the known fact that what goes down, must come up and we turned around and trudged back up the hill. You know.To trudge, the tired, weary walk of a man who has nothing left... Oh hang on, that was Chauser in "A Knights Tale". :)
So we walked back up the hill and up and what felt like a long way up too. lol It took us only 10 mins more to walk back up the hill, than it took to come down so I thought we were doing ok. I was rather warmed up when I got back to the car, as I had worn long sleeves as the night had a little chill to it. I felt sorry for the kids wearing jackets. Clearly their parents did not want them to get cold!
I've put this walk on the list to do in daylight, and possibly again at night, without the entourage.

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